Sunflowers Daycare offers its services in a monthly package including a scheduled maximum of 9 hours of care per day, play-based curriculum, music, dance, yoga, mostly organic breakfast, lunch & dinner by the rate of:
Registration fee (Once, non-refundable) $150
Material fee (Once, non-refundable) $350
Security deposit (Once, refundable*) $2250/$2400/$2600
Infants Full-time Tuition (3-24 month old) $2600/Month
Toddlers Full-time Tuition (24-36 month old) $2400/Month
Preschoolers Full-time Tuition (36+ month old & potty trained) $2250/Month
*The Security Deposit will be returned only if the enrolled child stays until the calendar year (August 2025). Children who leave sooner will forfeit their security deposit, regardless of whether care has begun. We advise against submitting a security deposit to reserve a spot with the anticipation of a refund if circumstances change.
Extra one hour of care is available upon request based on $400/month (Half hour, $200/month).
Sibling Policy: The second child will receive $100 sibling policy discount.
Our contracts would be year-round based on our school calendar. Please see enrollment packet. Families should come and leave based on their schedule to avoid early drop off or late pick up fees. Agreed additional hours will be charged for $20.00 per hour. (max. until 6:00 pm)